Wednesday, March 11, 2009...3:43 pm

The investigative journalism debate hots up. Kind of.

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Despite the fact the the internet is essentially destroying [if creatively] my profession, I love it. Mainly because in the space of a few days it can create links between me and a journalist in Leeds via a publication I’d never heard of and a blog that he’d never heard of. 
So thanks to Simon O’Hare for taking the trouble to come up with effectively a letter to the editor in the comments section to my admittedly slightly snarky post about his analysis of publishing’s woes.
Mostly a comment to a blog won’t make the news, but hey – I’m quite new here. And as this is partly a learning and teaching tool I’m actually pretty pleased that the interconnectivity side of web journalism seems to be working just fine. 
Of course, that and a couple of quid will buy me a cup of coffee. Making money out of all this is another matter. 
In that respect, O’Hare’s piece is pretty on the mark:

Almost anyone can write a blog from their bedroom – but this begs the question of whether there is a place for the paid journalist

Very much an open question I think…

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